The UNL All-Staff Conference is back with a new 2021 schedule and a virtual format!
May 12 - Afternoon pre-sessions
May 13 - Morning keynote, panel discussion with networking & reflection, afternoon breakout sessions
May 14 - Full day of breakout sessions
The multi-day event will feature pre-sessions, a keynote address, a panel discussion considering the idea of a university staff council, facilitated networking and reflection, and a wide variety of breakout sessions around the theme of Empowerment: Learning and Networking at Nebraska.
This unique opportunity allows staff to come together in a single day to learn, share knowledge, network, and celebrate success. Breakout sessions will feature staff presentations in a variety of formats around Purpose, Ownership, Well-Being, Engagement, and Relationships.
- Purpose – Discover your individual sense of meaning and how to realize it in support of the University’s mission.
- Ownership – Assert the value and quality of your work and share best practices, technologies, and new approaches.
- Well-being – Bring your best intellectual, physical, financial, emotional, social, and spiritual self to work.
- Engagement – Commit to developing new skills and connections that enhance your personal growth.
- Relationships – Step outside your usual circles to understand different perspectives and forge new connections.
May 13 Highlights
The Power of a Positive Attitude - Aaron Davis, Keynote Speaker
Speaker/Author & Attitude Expert Aaron Davis was a member of the 1994 National Championship Nebraska Football team & has worked with numerous corporations & organizations in their quest to improve performance by improving attitudes!
Aaron is not just a speaker "telling" other companies and individuals how to succeed. He's an entrepreneur; Consultant, and Peak Performance Coach & had roles in start-ups and stints in corporate America.
He's received numerous awards and accolades, and he's a proud University of Nebraska alumnus earning his degree in Psychology.
He's shared the stage with some of today's top luminaries in various fields. He has spoken for some of the top companies & universities and numerous associations, including, State Farm, Union Pacific, Farm Bureau, Walmart, ConAgra, University of Nebraska, USC, Penn State, Texas A&M, and many more.
Aaron and his wife reside in Nebraska, and they have two sons and a daughter!
Uplifting Staff Voices through Shared Governance: Panel and Discussion
This panel discussion will provide an opportunity to consider and shape a university-sponsored Staff Council for staff to provide input on relevant issues to university leadership. Facilitated by Michael Zeleny, Chief of Staff and Associate to the Chancellor.

Call for Volunteers
Would you like to see more staff recognition and staff development opportunities at the university? Help us lead the way and provide a quality conference experience by donating your time as a volunteer. Serving a short shift as a moderator, facilitator or note-taker will give you the opportunity to enhance your conference experience by working closely with others who share your belief in the vital role that staff play at the University of Nebraska.
Indicate your interest when you register, and we will contact you with options.
Support Your Staff's Attendance
By enabling and supporting attendance at the All-Staff Conference, you allow your staff to benefit from a diverse range of professional development activities and the value doesn't stop at the end of the event. There's an incredible amount of sharing, learning, and leveraging that can happen long after the conference is over as they bring back knowledge and share it with you and with each other.
N2025 Strategic Plan
"Where every person and every interaction matters"
The All-Staff Conference aligns with the aim: "Prioritize participation and professional development for all Nebraska students, staff, and faculty."
We believe in the power of every person. The most important asset at the University of Nebraska is its people — students, staff, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty. It is critical to provide access to individualized professional development and effective mentorship for all members of the university community.
Professional development opportunities integrating inclusive excellence and fostering a culture of participative decision-making enhances the richness of the university experience. A comprehensive approach to professional development will result in a vibrant and supportive climate characterized by excellence in all mission areas of our institution.
Meaningful and impactful professional development for all reinforces that every person and every interaction matters.

This conference is the first-ever collaboration by staff associations across campus including:
- Academic Advising Association (AAA)
- Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual Identity
- Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of People of Color
- Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women
- Multicultural Professionals Network (MPN)
- University Association for Administrative Development (UAAD)
- University of Nebraska Office Professionals Association (UNOPA)
- Young Professionals Network (YPN)
Conference Chair: Deborah Eisloeffel, College of Business
Assessment: Sarah Standley, Husker Hub
Budget & Finance: Andrea Koeber, Sponsored Programs
Logistics and Local Arrangements: Christina Franklin, Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communication; Debra Hendricks, Student Affairs
Program: Darwin Archie, College of Education and Human Sciences; Lindsay Augustyn, Center for Science, Mathematics, & Computer Education; Deborah Eisloeffel, College of Business; Amy Lanham, Campus Recreation; Lorraine Moon, Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research; Val Wiemeyer, College of Education and Human Sciences; Dr. Colette Yellow Robe, TRIO
Publicity: Sara Weixelman, College of Business
Registration: Christina Franklin, Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communication; Amy Lanham, Campus Recreation
T-Shirts: Letty Garcia, Career Services
Volunteer Coordinator: Mikki Sandin, College of Business
Website: Ryan Patrick, Engineering Computer Science