3:00 – 4:00
Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual Identities Corrie Svehla, manager, special events and projects, IT Client Services
The purpose of the Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Gender and Sexual identities is to enhance the status of LGBTQA+ identified people at the University.
Chancellor's Commission on the Status of People of Color Catherine Wilson, associate professor, College of Law
The purpose of the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of People of Color is to enhance the status of people of color at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, by advising the Chancellor on issues pertaining to the specific concerns of faculty, staff and students who are people of color at the University.
Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women Joann Ross, academic counselor, Athletics
The purpose of the Chancellor's Commission on the Status of Women is to enhance the status of all women at UNL, by advising the Chancellor on issues pertaining to gender equity and on specific concerns of women faculty, staff and students at the University.
Husker GROW: A Commitment to Student Success Zac Brost, assistant director, Intramural Sports
Learn about the origins of the Husker GROW (Guided Reflection on Work) initiative at the University of Nebraska, it's implementation, and the development students have experienced as a result of this intentional effort. Husker GROW takes learning to the next level through reflective conversations with student employees and highly engaged student leaders. Brief, structured conversations between students and their supervisor or coach help connect on-the-job and leadership experiences to coursework and career ambitions. Presenters will share their own experiences with the program as well as assessment data as evidence of the benefits of on-campus work, including purpose and engagement.
The Role of Alumni in the Life of the University Shelly Zaborowski, executive director, Nebraska Alumni Association
When people think about the alumni association, they typically think of philanthropic giving. While this is an important and generous function that many alumni play, the role of alumni at the university is so much broader and starts long before anyone receives a solicitation. It all starts with relationships, and those relationships begin when they are students. This session will explain the world of “university advancement” and the important role faculty and staff play in building the pipeline.
One Partnership, Threefold Benefit: Success through Shared Student Ownership in Engineering Career Services Bonnie Martin, director, Engineering Scholar Program
Although student affairs offices collaborating with student organizations to enhance the student experience is not a novel idea, this academic year the Engineering Career Services unit enriched their partnership in a new way to better support the University’s core mission: Every Person and Every Interaction Matters. Engineering’s student advisory board has a subcommittee related to professional development. This year, beyond event partnership in advertising and coordinating of events, selected members of the committee helped review resumes for their peers in a walk-in capacity. This showcase demonstrates the benefits of sharing ownership through relationship building on campus, which proves crucial for the success of a student-serving office.
“We had a jolly time collaborating" - Developing the Willa Cather Archive Greg Tunink, developer, Center for Digital Research in the Humanities and Emily Rau, managing editor, Willa Cather Archives
Digital humanities projects make historical documents more accessible, provide context and insightful analysis of the lives of those involved, and enable everyone to more easily build upon existing research. Learn about digital humanities projects through exploration of the Willa Cather Archive; Gain in-depth knowledge of the work that goes into creating a digital archive; Appreciate the literary tools scholars use from the WCA to expand our understanding of Cather; Observe strategies for collaboration with staff, students, and faculty.
Mindfulness Matters Becky Carter, senior human resources specialist for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Does manic multitasking seems to be the norm? Stop by my presentation to discuss and soak up quick strategies to help center, respond, and approach (dare I say flourish) amidst all of the crazy. As a practitioner of mindfulness, I love to share some of my favorite ways I face this VUCA world.