Staff Senate Panel Discussion*
Staff Senate Exploratory Committee Members
Location: Auditorium B
The Staff Senate Exploratory Committee seeks to fulfill the N2025 aim of creating and allowing access to a university-sponsored staff council for staff to provide input on relevant issues to university leadership.
This session will provide follow up from listening sessions held earlier in the spring semester, an overview of the nominations process, and timeline for elections of senators to be held in summer of 2022 with the inaugural senate commencing in Fall 2022. Members of the exploratory committee will be present to facilitate the presentation and dialogue. All three of the sessions will have the same content. Multiple opportunities have been included to aid in participation. Further information may be accessed at
Color on Campus: Seeing Color and Other Human Characteristics on Campus
Mynesha Spencer, Chief Inclusion Strategist, All of Us Together Co.
Marquisha Frost, Digital Learning Operations Specialist, IT Academic Technology
Location: Room 010
Seeing color and other human characteristics on campus is a facilitated interactive presentation that provides faculty, staff, students and other campus stakeholders the opportunity to step beyond our comfort zones and intentionally see color, other human characteristics and the advantages associated with this practice. Public service institutions will never prove more equitable, more inclusive or more diverse than the individuals who lead and learn in these spaces and the University of Nebraska is no exception. Attendance of this presentation guarantees a self-reflective experience and provides participants starter tools and resources to begin seeing (and embracing) color on campus.
Participants attending this interactive presentation should bring:
- Writing Utensil
- Favorite object or thing (optional)
- A set of colored pencils/crayons (optional)
Where’s The Beef?! Let’s Beef Up Your Linked-In Profile
Holly Smith, M.S., Career Coach, College of Education & Human Sciences
Dr. AnnMarie Gottner, Senior Director of Student Services, College of Education & Human Sciences
Location: Room 018
So many higher education professionals see Linked-In as “not for them.” If you have even a slight notion that you might switch jobs someday or try your hand at bursting into a parallel industry, this presentation is for you. If you work with students and would love to be able to support them, stay connected and share resources beyond their time at UNL, this presentation is for you. Even if it’s not you, but someone you know that is seeking new employment, connecting with them on Linked-In, recommending them and endorsing their skill sets is crucial to their success. Bring your laptops or media devices. We’ll spend time on our Linked-In’s (NO MATTER how rough they are now!) beefing up photos, headlines, featured and about sections, experience, recommendations, skills and endorsements. This session will provide you with not only recommendations and strategies to increase your visibility on Linked-In but will also be time and space for you to sit back and put these ideas into action on your own page. If you can help and support your colleagues in this session with their profiles too, that would be a plus. Because, heck, your mom isn’t going to tell you how awful your photo is but Jenny from accounting just might! (Disclaimer: I have no idea who Jenny is, and I am not in the business of offending mothers.) If there’s time, we’ll create space for open discussion about our career paths, career questions, upcoming career trends, and available resources. (NOTE: Presentation content is referenced from Career Coach Madeline Mann’s YouTube channel “Self-Made Millennial” and can be found there if you are unable to attend and/or for later reference to content.)
How to be an Inclusive Leader
Rik Barrera, Associate Dean of Student Services & COO, College of Business
Location: Room 032
How can we develop into more inclusive leaders? Why do we even need to try? This presentation will cover the basic tenets of inclusive leadership and how we can implement these principles in our leadership roles.
How to Conduct Evaluation Surveys
Lindsey Witt-Swanson, Associate Director, Bureau of Sociological Research
Rachel Wenzl, Associate Director, Research Compliance Services
Location: Room 040
Many departments and units at UNL are exploring the use of internal evaluation surveys on various topics. While many can administer these surveys on their own, some may struggle with various steps of the evaluation process. To aid staff at UNL, BOSR and Research Compliance Services, the administrative support office for the IRB, will team up to provide a mini-course on evaluation surveys. BOSR will provide the practical steps of preparing for and implementing an evaluation survey, including designing the right methodology, writing evaluation and survey questions, and visual design considerations. RCS will also provide guidance on if IRB review is necessary by using case studies as illustrative examples.
By the end of the session, you should have additional insight on:
- What survey and evaluation methods are appropriate for your evaluation project
- How to get started in the planning process
- How to write survey questions tailored to your evaluation
- Why visual design matters
- Whether the project requires IRB review and approval and if so, how to go about receiving approval
Create an Engaged Team with Networking*
Ranelle Maltas, Training, Technology & Comm Coordinator, Human Resources
Location: Room 211
Learn about the five I’s of building strong connections through three interactive activities. Attendees will leave with 15 activities to engage their team to connect with each other. Each activity provides practice in networking with intent.
*Hybrid presentation