tudent Well-being - The Future of Recruitment, Retention, and a Thriving Campus Community (Arbor Suite)

MeLissa Butler, NECPA Project Manager
Lydia Coulson, Communications Specialist, Undergraduate Education & Student Success
Megan Hopkins, NECPA Project Director

More than ever before, colleges need to understand what today’s students want to stay competitive and relevant in the higher education arena. Students don’t come to college only for an education and better job prospects. For many, the experience offered by the campus community is what makes one institution stand out over another. Building a community of care through prevention programming is one way to attract students and make campuses more welcoming. Campuses that focus on safety, well-being, and inclusion as investments in long-term sustainability not only improve the likelihood of student success but also ensure their institution’s continued fiscal strength in the face of the “demographic cliff”. This presentation will highlight how UNL’s Nebraska Collegiate Prevention Alliance (NECPA) emerged as a statewide leader in college prevention, and how the NECPA and Big Red Resilience and Well-being are working together to deliver the college experience today’s students want.

Practical Wellness, Part 2 (Prairie Suite)

Cassandra Whitmore, RD, LMNT

COVID placed a strain on us, both physically and mentally. As we emerge from the "emergency state", it's important that we learn how to no longer just survive, but thrive. We'll discuss why wellness matters and what to focus on. Most importantly, we will talk wellness tips that you can take to the workplace, bring back to your families, and use for yourself - no workplace wellness program needed! While the focus of this presentation is on nutrition, we will touch on other areas of wellness that you may not have considered before. The goal of this session is to find permanent habits you can use in your everyday life to be healthier and feel your best without feeling like wellness is a second job. (This session is offered in 2 parts due to time constraints; each session will contain different information.)

Training and Professional Development at UNL: A Listening Session (Great Plains A)

Celeste Spier, Director of Organizational Development, Human Resources

With the addition of a new Director of Organizational Development position in the UNL Human Resources office, this session will provide an opportunity for staff members to voice their ideas and challenges regarding training and professional development opportunities at UNL. Attendees will work individually and in small groups to reflect on and share suggestions to assist the Director of Organizational Development in formulating strategic plans and priorities.


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