Being an Inclusive Leader (Arbor Suite)

John Leonard Harris

In a world that is becoming increasingly larger and smaller at the same time, it behooves those who want to be “difference makers” in the work of DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) to understand what is really at stake. The objective of this session is to equip leaders with the understanding that the work of DEI is no easy walk down a primrose path, but a journey full of potholes and pitfalls. Leaders must understand how to navigate the rocky places to have success that moves life forward.

This powerful interactive session will challenge each participant to:

  1. Understand the reality and challenges of the promises we make;
  2. Examine definitions of diversity, equity, and inclusion;
  3. Discuss diversity as our strength and as our problem;
  4. Uncover the diversity in their own lives;
  5. Explore what inclusive leaders must understand, do and;
  6. Develop their own leader's plan of action.
Longevity Awaits: 13 Scrumptious Well-being Tips for Now and After Retirement (Prairie Suite)

Patrick T. Randolph

If you are interested in a long, healthy, and happy life, this session is for you! This cutting-edge presentation concentrates on the participants’ overall health so that they can work efficiently and maintain a healthy life at present as well as after retirement.

The presenter, who has taught language learners for over 25 years, has also spent time researching the most significant practices that promote physical and cognitive health, happiness, self-awareness, empathy, and longevity. He has found 13 essential ingredients that, according to the premier neuroscientists and leaders in the modern mindfulness movement, help maintain a healthy body, heart, brain, spirit, and mind. In fact, many of these 13 delicious ingredients are practiced, in one way or another, in all five of the noted blue zones around the world: Loma Linda, California; Nicoya, Costa Rica; Ikaria, Greece; Sardinia, Italy; and Okinawa, Japan.

The presenter, through an interactive discussion, surveys the 13 ingredients for well-being and addresses the psychological, physiological, emotional, and cognitive benefits. As they address the ingredients, participants are encouraged to discuss how they can personalize these practices and implement them in their lives both while they are working and after retirement. A review with implementation insights concludes the presentation. Please bring a peaceful smile to this session and watch it unfold.

FISH! Philosophy (Great Plains A)

Ranelle Maltas, Training, Technology & Communication Coordinator, Human Resources

Imagine a workplace where everyone chooses to bring energy, passion, and a positive attitude to the job every day. Imagine an environment in which people are truly connected to their work, their colleagues, and their customers.

By applying simple lessons from The FISH! Philosophy —Play, Make Their Day, Be There, Choose Your Attitude—you can ignite an astonishing transformation in yourself and your team. This your chance to be curious, learn more about yourself and have fun. Become inspired to find the wisdom already inside you. Often it takes just a slight shift in perspective to see things you never considered before. Maybe it’s letting go of habits that hold you back. Maybe it’s understanding better how your attitudes lift people up or drag them down.

By using these practices in your workplace, you can increase engagement, strengthen teamwork and trust, reduce burnout, boost motivation, and improve retention.


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